> . About LTRMembershipClassesHome

Membership of LTR is mandatory for all active riders in the riding academy as well as owners and riders of private horses/ponies stabled at Stenrødgaard. See details on membership fees, notice periods, etc., in the enrollment form for riding academy and

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Our activities

Approximately four times a year we arrange competition days for our members, mainly in dressage. All riders and/or parents are required to help with practical matters. We have two work Sundays (spring and autumn), junior evenings, and a welcome day for new members, where the basics of grooming and saddling are shown. Activities and news are announced (in Danish) on the notice boards, on our website (www.ltr.rideklub.dk) and on Facebook.

For questions, contact daily leader Kate zum Vohrde by phone 20 82 30 60 on weekdays between 10 am and 6 pm, or by e-mail katezv@gmail.com.

